
Acupuncture is a gentle, minimally-invasive treatment that originated thousands of years ago in China. In recent years, its effectiveness at treating a wide variety of conditions has been validated by numerous research studies.

Acupuncture involves placing thin, sterilized needles into specific parts of the body, known as acupuncture points, to encourage healing. Electroacupuncture (generating a very small current between two acupuncture points), and aqua-acupuncture (the injection of liquid – usually vitamin B12 – into an acupuncture point), are additional techniques that can greatly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Acupuncture can be used to provide relief from the following conditions:

  • Acute or chronic pain
  • Arthritis and musculoskeletal injuries
  • Neurologic conditions such as disc disease
  • Cancer and symptoms associated with chemotherapy
  • Respiratory problems such as asthma
  • Chronic kidney and urinary tract disease
  • Chronic liver and gall bladder disease
  • Skin problems such as allergies or immune-mediated conditions
  • Conditions that have not responded to Western medicine

Acupuncture sessions last about 45 minutes. Most pets accept acupuncture very well, and many will lie down and relax during their sessions. Acupuncture can be done on any species, although its use in dogs, cats and horses is the most well-studied.