Services & Locations

Elemental Pet offers holistic and integrative care for dogs, cats, small mammals, and exotic pets.

We are currently offering at-home services (we come to your home for a 45-60 minute appointment) and services at the practitioner’s home in Hollis, NH.

Contact us at (603) 803-3368 or [email protected]

TCVM Initial Consult – 60 minutes BOOK NOW

$275 at vet’s home office in Hollis, NH

$395 in your home (may include travel fee if outside 10 mile radius from Hollis, NH)

This consult includes the initial exam of your pet and discussion of your goals. We will discuss all services (acupuncture, food therapy, and herbal medicine), and make a plan based of your pet’s needs. This consult includes an acupuncture session. 

Acupuncture Session – 45 minutes BOOK NOW

$130 at vet’s home office in Hollis, NH (Package of 6 sessions = $700)

$250 in your home (may include travel fee if outside 10 mile radius from Hollis, NH) (Package of 6 sessions = $1300)

Includes dry needle acupuncture and (if appropriate for your pet’s condition) aqua-acupuncture, electroacupuncture and therapeutic massage. Booked only after your initial consultation. 

Food Therapy Recipe Formulation – Emailed to you within 72 hours of initial consultation

$140 for first recipe

$100 for each additional recipe

This service is for a personalized recipe that is balanced to meet all nutritional needs for your pet using a nutritional software (BalanceIT). Recipe is based on TCVM principles of the energetics and inherent healing properties of food. After the recipe is formulated, it can be modified one-time at no additional charge if your pet dislikes any ingredients or if you would like to change one or more of the ingredients. You will need to purchase a powder supplement to be added to the diet. A sample of this supplement will be provided to you for use with the first recipe. It is recommended that diets be fed for no more than 6 months without a follow-up exam as your pet’s needs may change.

Virtual Food Therapy Consult – 45 minutes – for owners seeking ONLY recipes BOOK NOW

$275 for first consult

$200 each additional consult

This consult is performed virtually over FaceTime or Zoom. We will discuss your pets current health issues and you goals for your pet. Because no in person exam is performed, this consult does NOT establish a valid VCPR (veterinary client patient relationship), so veterinary medical advice cannot be provided outside of the context of food therapy. This is intended for pets that have already received a recent medical diagnosis by a veterinarian. We cannot guarantee that food therapy will be advisable for your pet, so please email us at [email protected] if you have questions about your pet’s eligibility for this service. 

Herbal Medications – Ordered individually for each pet. Cost varies depending on medication, but in general each prescription is $40-70 per bottle, and lasts 1-3 months depending on your pet’s dose.